Professionals in residence within Cilex work closely with entrepreneurs in order to equip and advise them to make informed strategic decisions.

Sophie-Anne Décarie, LL.B.
Décarie Avocats Lawyers
A graduate from Université Laval in law and Université de Sherbrooke in pleading, civil and commercial mediation, following studies in political science at the University of Ottawa, Sophie-Anne Décarie has been a member of the Barreau du Québec since 1999. Lawyer and accredited civil and commercial mediator, she has extensive knowledge in civil and commercial litigation in various fields such as construction law, real estate law, commercial law, civil liability, franchise law and insurance law.
The expertise of Décarie Avocat Lawyers includes, among others, incorporation, shareholder agreements, annual reports, service agreements, and the drafting, revision and negotiation of contracts.

Nicolas Déziel
Canadian Intellectual Property Office
Nicolas holds a bachelor’s degree in education and a Certificate in Public Communication from Université Laval. He has been working at the Canadian Intellectual Property Office (CIPO) since 2015, starting as a Training Officer in the Patent Branch. In 2018, he became a Business Services Design and Development Officer, where he created digital products and resources for the CIPO website on a variety of IP-related topics that directly supported the National IP Strategy launched by the Federal Government. Since then, he has gained extensive knowledge of the IP ecosystem in Canada and has been active in learning design, outreach and training to Canadian innovators, creators and business owners, to support IP awareness and education on a broad scale.
Nicolas is now working as an Intellectual Property Advisor for the Ontario Region. He works more closely with Canadian innovators and SMEs to help them increase their IP knowledge base, as well as strategically consider and leverage IP assets to support their business objectives.
The dates for the Cilex and CIPO workshops are announced on our Events page. Startups incubated at Cilex can schedule an appointment with Nicolas at nicolas.deziel@ised-isde.gc.ca.

Marc Langlois
Accompagnement financier Marc Langlois
Marc Langlois has a bachelor’s degree in economics from the Université de Montréal and an MBA in accounting from McGill University. He has held several management positions at the Royal Bank of Canada, and eventually became senior regional director for Investissement Québec, where he stayed for nearly 15 years.
Marc Langlois has been guiding small and big businesses for more than 35 years as a professional finance consultant, coaching them through various stages of their development. His expertise in financial markets and commercial financing allows him to help entrepreneurs make their projects a reality, notably by obtaining funding and access to government assistance programs.

André Merizzi, M.Sc. (Physics)
Merizzi, Ramsbottom & Forster
Active in the field of intellectual property for more than 12 years, André Merizzi has been specializing himself in the development of patent portfolios related to high technology innovations, such as computer technologies, optics and telecommunication systems, but also patent portfolios pertaining to construction products and industrial processes.
As a Physicist, André always aims to understand the fundamental principles underlying the inventions he aims to protect, in order to fully understand the various technical and technological features leading to the unique commercial advantages offered by these inventions. Through strategic international claims and repositories, André first seeks to optimize the legal positioning of his clients so as to maximize the added value of their patent portfolio, by bearing in mind the budget available for the development of their portfolio.

Jasmin Morin
Graphic Designer
Jasmin Morin combines over 12 years of experience in various fields of visual communications, including design and user interface experience, branding and advertising design. Passionate about problem solving, he approaches design and visual communications as a space of innovation to create strategic and unique solutions for each project.
In 2015, after working as a Designer within the technology startup Punchtime, he decided to use his experience to help and guide his own clients within his company. Among them there are CartoVista, Cilex, 4elements, and the Canadian Commission for UNESCO. Jasmin is also a Lecturer at the Université du Québec en Outaouais where he teaches for the B.A. in Graphic Design at the École multidisciplinaire de l’image.

Réal Morrissette, CPA, CMA
Développement Propulsion Inc.
Développement Propulsion Inc. was founded in 2016 by Réal Morrissette, a certified management accountant with a diploma in business administration from the Université du Québec en Abitibi-Témiscamingue. His goal was to offer accounting services to SMEs whose resources or size do not justify hiring a full-time accountant.
The accounting firm specializes in financial management for businesses, offering accounting and tax advice about starting a business, bookkeeping services, compilation preparation, funding guidance, and finding subsidies to carry out reviews and audits.

Serge Paquette
Risk Balance
Serge is a Business Insurance Broker and he specializes in the sphere of knowledge economy. His clients include among others companies operating in the areas of technology, communication and biotechnology. He works with startup companies as well as with large corporations doing business on the international scene. He is therefore well positioned to provide solutions adapted to startups and advise them all the way through their growth. Serge holds a Bachelor’s degree in Business Administration and a Canadian Diploma in Risk Management.