Cilex is now one of the regional development organizations able to refer businesses to the Desjardins Créavenir Youth Entrepreneurship Program. This will allow our team to better assist young entrepreneurs who are just starting out and often don’t have access to traditional financing networks. Through Créavenir, they could potentially obtain a line of credit and a grant that can be used to qualify for other sources of funding.
The program is aimed at people 18 to 39 years old who are starting a business or growing an existing business that’s less than three years old and who need to complete their financing package. Créavenir can give them access to a grant of up to $5,000 (conditions apply) and a line of credit of up to $15,000 at the Desjardins prime rate plus 0.5%, on top of a Business credit card at the same rate. This financial help can be used to cover operating expenditures, potential overdrafts, and even the purchase of small business equipment.
To receive support from the Créavenir Youth Entrepreneurship Program through Cilex, take a look at our incubation programs! Businesses currently incubated at Cilex can contact our coaching team at any point to assess their eligibility.